Global Scientific Fields in Immunology & Microbiology

Immunology primarily deals with the host-pathogen interaction resulting in various developments within the body such as infections, inflammation and reaction that are inbuilt immune mechanism of the body to fight the foreign bodies. Microbiology is a field of study that mainly deals with the study of different microorganisms that cause diseases and the immune response of the host. The studies under this topic are mainly aimed at developing suitable anti-biotic, devise methods for detection and diagnosis of the infections, identify environmental contaminants, develop immunization vaccines, eradication of epidemic causing diseases and improve the treatment of various auto-immune disorders.

Sepsis Top Journals

Sepsis is an existence-threatening circumstance this is as a result of an excessive immune response to an infection, maximum commonly a bacterial contamination. Sepsis can cause multi-organ failure and death. The aetiology of septic ...

Cacao Fermentation Scholarly Journal

Fermentation is an essential part of turning raw cacao into delicious chocolate. This processing step contributes to the development of flavor and the acidity of the final product. But what actually h ...

Infections Journals

While the forms of infection that we have listed above are the main types, there are others that can have an effect on the body. A single celled organism with a nucleus can cause a protozoan infection. Protozoa commonly ...

Infections Peer-review Journals

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi; the diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another. Zoonotic diseases are infectious ...

Infections Scholarly Peer-review Journal

An infection occurs when another organism enters your body and causes disease. The organisms that cause infections are very diverse and can include things like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Viruses are very ti ...

Infections Impact Factor

Viral infections occur due to infection with a virus. Millions of different viruses may exist, but researchers have only identified about 5,000 types to date. Viruses contain a small piece of genetic code, and a coat of ...

Infections Top Open Access Journals

Infection: The invasion and multiplication of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are not normally present within the body. An infection may cause no symptoms and be subclinical, or it may cause ...

Bacterial Pathogenesis Journals

Microbial Pathogenesis publishes original contributions and reviews about the molecular and cellular mechanisms of infectious diseases. It covers microbiology, host-pathogen interaction and immunology related to infectio ...

Bacteriology Journals

Bacteriology is the study of bacteria and their relation to medicine. Bacteriology evolved from physicians needing to apply the germ theory to test the concerns relating to the spoilage of foods and wines in the 19th cen ...

Oxidative Stress Scholarly Journal

Carcinogenesis is a multistep process involving mutation and the subsequent selective clonal expansion of the mutated cell. Chemical and physical agents including those that induce reative oxygen species can induce and/or modulate this multistep p ...

Complementary Therapy Seminars Journals

Some people with cancer may consider using complementary therapy in addition to standard cancer treatment. This approach is called integrative medicine when it has been discussed with and approved by your health care team. Many people us ...

Animal Viruses And Immunity

Viruses gain entry into host cells via several sites such as the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract. Once an infection has occurred, the virus may replicate in host cells at the site of infection or they may also spread to other l ...

Cell Metabolism Peer-review Journals

A cell's daily operations are accomplished through the biochemical reactions that take place within the cell. Reactions are turned on and off or sped up and slowed down according to the cell's immediate needs and ...

Neuroimmunology Open Access Articles

The brain’s immune system has been extensively utilized in many clinical practices to treat detrimental brain tumors, which are otherwise very difficult to deal with. For example, scientists utilize brain tumor cel ...

Neuroimmunology Review Articles

Understanding neuroimmunological disorders is essential for developing new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Rodent models have provided valuable insights, but are sometimes equated with their human counterparts. He ...

Veterinary Parasitology

Veterinary Parasitology has an open access mirror journal, Veterinary Parasitology: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review. This journal is conc ...

Neuroimmunology Online Journals

Neuroimmunology as a separate discipline has its roots in the fields of neurology, neuroscience and immunology. Early studies of the brain by Golgi and Cajal, the detailed clinical and neuropathology studies of Charcot a ...

Characterization Of Fungal Strain

To study the fungal component of this pathosystem, we developed a method for the cultivation-independent detection and characterization of fungi infecting plant roots based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGG ...

Scholarly Open Access Journals In Immunhistochemistry

        The word Immunohistochemistry derived from the words "immuno," refering to antibodies employed in the procedure, and "histo," which means tissue. It can be defined as the process of antigen or protei ...

Measles Infection Open Access Journals

Measles. Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by measles virus. Symptoms usually develop 10–12 days after exposure to an infected person and last 7–10 days. Initial symptoms t ...