Global Scientific Fields in Agri and Aquaculture

Agriculture is one of the oldest practices the humanity has ever invented to feed its growing population. Geographical climatic and the technological factors vastly influence the agricultural output. Despite several innovations and rapid progress in the agricultural practices and the yield, factors like global warming, climate change followed by droughts, famine, and floods are threatening the agriculture worldwide. The fresh and marine water sources that are home for nutritious natural food is increasingly affected due to indiscriminate human intervention, resulting in high contamination, and toxicity. Both agriculture and aquaculture are being pressurized due to urbanization, modernization and industrialization. Agricultural and aqua-cultural research encompasses the study and application of basic concepts and technological inventions in the field of agronomy, plant breeding, application of pesticides, fertilizers and other agrochemicals, fish farming, algaculture, aquaponics, commercial fishing and mariculture.

Fisheries Ecosystem

Ecosystem-based fisheries management is an integrated way of managing fisheries and marine belongings by taking into account the entire ecosystem of the species being managed. The goal of ecosystem-based management is to ...

Fisheries Ecosystems

Ecosystem-based fisheries management is an integrated way of managing fisheries and marine belongings by taking into account the entire ecosystem of the species being managed. The goal of ecosystem-based management is to ...

Infectious Bursal Disease

Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is seen in young domestic chickens worldwide and is caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). Symptoms of the clinical disease can include depression, watery diarrhea, ruffled feathers, and dehydration. Depe ...

Newcastle Disease

Newcastle disease is an infection of domestic poultry and other bird species with virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV). It is a worldwide problem that presents primarily as an acute respiratory disease, but depression, nervous manifestations, or ...

Wildlifescience Group Journals List

The wildlife journals includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and ...

Poultry Journals International

International Journal of Poultry Science is a leading international refereed journal dedicated to publish cutting edge research on all aspects of poultry science. Scope of the journal includes: Anatomy, breeding, genetics, production, management, ...

Poultry Journals Publications

Poultry Science® will move to Gold Open Access (OA) per January 1st, 2020. Note that for manuscripts submitted after September 30th, 2019, an article processing charge (APC) is therefore payable after acceptance for publication. The APC for Po ...

Wildlifescience Online Journals

Wildlife science is the application of ecological knowledge in a manner that strikes a balance between the needs of wildlife populations and the needs of people. ... Course work then addresses the assessment and manageme ...