Global Scientific Fields in Agri and Aquaculture

Agriculture is one of the oldest practices the humanity has ever invented to feed its growing population. Geographical climatic and the technological factors vastly influence the agricultural output. Despite several innovations and rapid progress in the agricultural practices and the yield, factors like global warming, climate change followed by droughts, famine, and floods are threatening the agriculture worldwide. The fresh and marine water sources that are home for nutritious natural food is increasingly affected due to indiscriminate human intervention, resulting in high contamination, and toxicity. Both agriculture and aquaculture are being pressurized due to urbanization, modernization and industrialization. Agricultural and aqua-cultural research encompasses the study and application of basic concepts and technological inventions in the field of agronomy, plant breeding, application of pesticides, fertilizers and other agrochemicals, fish farming, algaculture, aquaponics, commercial fishing and mariculture.

Fungal Plant Pathogens

The classification of pathogenic fungi is important for identifying and diagnosing plant disease. Each kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus and specie has its own identifying characteristics. Many of the diagnostic factors in identifying different ...

Fisheries Top Journals

Angling is an ancient work on going back in any event 40,000 years. Since the sixteenth century, angling vessels have had the option to cross seas in quest for fish, and since the nineteenth century it has been conceivable to utilize bigger vessel ...

Fisheries Impact Factor

By and large, a fishery is an element occupied with rising or collecting fish which is controlled by some power to be a fishery. According to the FAO, "a fishery is an action prompting reaping of fish. It might include catch of wild fish or r ...

Fisheries Open Access

Angling is an ancient work on going back in any event 40,000 years. Since the sixteenth century, angling vessels have had the option to cross seas in quest for fish, and since the nineteenth century it has been conceivable to utilize bigger vessel ...

Wildlifescience Impact Factor

The wildlife journals includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of informa ...

Wildlifescience Top Journals

Fauna is traditionally referred to as a non-domesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live in the wild in a wilderness area. Wildlife is present in all ecosystems. More developed urb ...

Aquaticbiodiversity Review Journals

After the Earth Summit in Rio, 1992 and the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the term biodiversity has become a component of research policy in many countries and international bodi ...

Wild Life Science Journals

The wildlife journals includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of informa ...

Aquaticbiodiversity Impact Factor

After the Earth Summit in Rio, 1992 and the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the term biodiversity has become a component of research policy in many countries and international bodies and initiatives. Biodiversity however, is no ...

Aquaticbiodiversity Top Journals

This journal publishes original research articles, short communications, and review articles in a broad range of areas relevant to all aspects of aquatic sciences (freshwater and marine waters). it is an open access journal which can be freely acc ...

Plant Virus

Plant viruses are viruses that affect plants. Such as all other viruses plant viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that do not have the molecular machinery to replicate without a host. Plant viruses can be pathogenic to higher plants. Most ...

Fisheries Open Access Journals

By and large, a fishery is an element occupied with rising or collecting fish which is controlled by some power to be a fishery. According to the FAO, "a fishery is an action prompting reaping of fish. It might include catch of wild fish or r ...

Mammals Behaviour Scholarly Open Access Journals

Social behavior and activity patterns vary considerably as well. Some mammals live in groups of tens, hundreds, thousands or more individuals. Other mammals are generally solitary except when mating or raising young.& ...

Plant Pathogens

A plant pathogen is a living being that causes an illness on a plant. In spite of the fact that family members of some plant pathogens are human or animal pathogens, most plant pathogens just harm plants. Some plant path ...

Horticulture Science

Horticultural science is the main plant science that joins both the science and aesthetics of plants. It is the science and craft of creating consumable organic products, vegetables, blossoms, herbs, and ornamental plant ...


The host–pathogen interaction is defined as how microbes or viruses sustain themselves within host organisms on a molecular, cellular, organismal or population level. This term is most commonly used to refer to disease-causing microorganisms ...

Poultry Uses

Poultry can be defined as domestic fowls, including chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks, raised for the production of meat or eggs and the word is also used for the flesh of these birds used as food. The Encyclopædia Britannica lists the same ...


Peronosclerospora sorghi is a plant pathogen. It is the causal agent of sorghum downy mildew. The pathogen is a fungal-like protist in the oomycota, or water mold, class. Peronosclerosp ...

Aquaticbiodiversity Journals

Covers the ecology of fresh, brackish, estuarine and marine environments. Presents timely reports on fundamental and applied research in the field and the laboratory. Provides a forum for aquatic ecologists to address and evaluate ecological issue ...


Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight and turn it into chemical energy. Here, we describe the general principles of photosynthesis and highlight how scie ...