Global Scientific Fields in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences deals with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of disease. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases like cholera, malaria, polio, small pox etc. It has been one of the biggest factors responsible for increasing the life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs, and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos, are all possible due to the huge strides being made in the field.

Gastric Adenocarcinoma

Stomach cancer, also referred to as gastric cancer, may be a cancer that develops from the liner of the stomach. Most cases of stomach cancers are gastric carcinomas, which may be divided into variety ...


Gastrectomies are performed to treat stomach cancer and perforations of the stomach may be necessary to remove the lower portion of the stomach called the pylorus  ...


The lymph system is a series of lymph nodes and vessels that move lymph fluid through the body. Lymph fluids contain infection-fighting white blood cells. Lymph nodes act as filters, capturing and des ...

Urinary Tract Infection Impact Factor

Urine culture (UC) confirms the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and is still considered the diagnostic 'gold standard' for pathogen identification, quantification and resistance tes ...

Urinary Tract Infection Scholarly Peer Review Journal

Urine culture (UC) confirms the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and is still considered the diagnostic 'gold standard' for pathogen identification, quantification and resistance tes ...

Human Cancer Cell

Cancer cells are cells that divide relentlessly, forming solid tumors or flooding the blood with abnormal cells. Cell division is a normal process used by the body for growth and repair. A parent cell ...

Urinary Tract Infection Peer Review Journals

Urine culture (UC) confirms the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and is still considered the diagnostic 'gold standard' for pathogen identification, quantification and resistance tes ...

Anti-tumour Treatment

Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with drugs ("anticancer drugs") that can destroy cancer cells. In current usage, the term "chemotherapy" usually refers to cytotoxic drugs w ...

Enzyme Activity Impact Factor

The physical loaning of books, journals, and Av material is briefly halted, and everyone presently loaned things have their due dates extended till Gregorian calendar month fifteen, 2020. Healthcare d ...

Lymphoma Scholarly Journals

The lymph system is a series of lymph nodes and vessels that move lymph fluid through the body. Lymph fluids contain infection-fighting white blood cells. Lymph nodes act as filters, capturing and des ...

Molecular Profiling Journals

Previous exactness drugs studies have investigated standard molecular techniques and/or restricted sets of cistron alterations. The aim of this study was to explain the impact of the next-generation s ...

Urinary Tract Infection Journals

Urine culture (UC) confirms the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and is still considered the diagnostic 'gold standard' for pathogen identification, quantification and resistance tes ...

Yellow Fever Vaccine

Yellow fever vaccine is a vaccine that protects against yellow fever. Yellow fever is a viral infection that occurs in Africa and South America. Most people begin to develop immunity within ten days and 99 percent are prot ...

Urinary Tract Infection Innovations

Urine culture (UC) confirms the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and is still considered the diagnostic 'gold standard' for pathogen identification, quantification and resistance tes ...

Academic Blood Transfusion Journals

  A blood transfusion is a routine medical procedure in which donated blood is provided to you through a narrow tube placed within a vein ...

Scoliosis Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Scoliosis is a condition where the shape of the spine is changed from straight to curved. The structure may be similar to S or A. It can be of two types, they are congenital and idiopathic. The congenital scoliosis is basically caused by abnormali ...

Cancer Susceptibility

Cancer susceptibility gene mutations are usually inherited (passed from parent to child) and may be seen within families. Knowing if a person has a cancer susceptibility gene mutation may help prevent ...

Condom Use

Condoms are easy to get and easy to use. They help prevent both pregnancy and STDs. And condoms can even make sex better. Condoms are effective against STDs. Condoms and internal condoms are the only ...

Brain Hemorrhage

A brain hemorrhage is a type of stroke. It's caused by an artery in the brain bursting and causing localized bleeding in the surrounding tissues. This bleeding kills brain cells. The Greek root for ...

Women's Health News

Women's health refers to the health of women, which differs from that of men in many unique ways. Women's health is an example of population health, where health is defined by the World Health Organization as "a state of complete phys ...