An artificial pancreas is a man-made device that is designed to release insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels in a similar way to a human pancreas. Artificial pancreas systems are being studied as a possible trea ...
Giardia lamblia exist in two forms one is cyst and other is trophozoite. it's Four pairs of flagella two nuclei and a sucking disk on the ventral surface with which it absorbs nutrient from intest ...
Giardiasis is an illness caused by protozoan Giardia lamblia. it's a gastrointestinal disease. It becomes sometime symptomatic also as asymptomatic. it's epidemic and sporadic in its nature an ...
Genomics is a branch of genetics that applies methods like recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble, and research the function and structure of genomes. It involves research t ...
Celiac disease may be a serious autoimmune disorder that happens in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten results in damage within the intestine .it's estimated to affect 1 ...
An artificial pancreas is a man-made device that is designed to release insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels in a similar way to a human pancreas. Artificial pancreas systems are being studied as a possible trea ...
An artificial pancreas is a man-made device that is designed to release insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels in a similar way to a human pancreas. Artificial pancreas systems are being studied as a possible trea ...
An artificial pancreas is a man-made device that is designed to release insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels in a similar way to a human pancreas. Artificial pancreas systems are being studied as a possible trea ...
An aneurysm is the enlargement of an artery caused by weakness in the arterial wall. Often there are no symptoms, but a ruptured aneurysm can lead to fatal complications. An aneurysm refers to a weakening of an artery ...
Urine culture (UC) confirms the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) and is still considered the diagnostic 'gold standard' for pathogen identification, quantification and resistance tes ...
lap choly may be a surgery during which the doctor removes your gallbladder. This procedure uses several small cuts rather than one large one. A laparoscope, a narrow tube with a camera, is inserted t ...
Most blood cancers, also called hematologic cancers, start in the bone marrow, which is where blood is produced. Blood cancers occur when abnormal blood cells start growing out of control, interrupting the function of normal blood cells, which fig ...
The molecular characterization of lung cancer has considerably changed the classification and treatment of these tumors, becoming an essential component of pathologic diagnosis and oncologic therapy d ...
The molecular characterization of lung cancer has considerably changed the classification and treatment of these tumors, becoming an essential component of pathologic diagnosis and oncologic therapy d ...
A calcaneal spur is a bony outgrowth of the calcaneal tuberosity (heel bone). Calcaneal spurs are usually detected by X-ray examination. It is a form of exostosis. When a foot is exposed to constant pressure, ...
Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system of disorders. Neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and diseases including the central a ...
Loxoprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of many diseases. However, there are no case reports about loxoprofen-induced pneumonia. We have encountered a rare case of lo ...
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are conditions that can affect your muscles, bones, and joints. MSDs include: tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fibromyalg ...
The middle ear is the portion of the ear internal to the eardrum, and external to the oval window of the inner ear. The mammalian middle ear contains three ossicles, which transfer the vibrations of the eardrum into wave ...
Political science focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the local, state, national, and international levels. We are dedicated to developing understandings of institutions, ...