Global Scientific Fields in General Science

General Science is defined as systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of the basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and smooth functioning of various functions in the community and society. Water that flows in the rivers and tanks is part of natural and environment science and when it is stored in dams and supplied through pipes to the fields becomes deployment of irrigation technology. Science and Technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in isolation. While the basic sciences like Math, Physics and Chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technology to facilitate the easy functioning of the complex phenomena like electricity generation, aviation and food processing.

Sociology - Scientific Journals

The sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) is the study of science as a social activity, especially dealing with "the social conditions and effects of science, and with the social structures and processes of scientific activity." The so ...


Copyright is a legal term used to portray the rights that creators have over their theoretical and inventive satisfies hopes. Works made sure about by copyright run from books, music, canvases, model and films, to machin ...

Intellectual Property Rights-new-findings

IP is secured in law by, for instance, licenses, copyright and trademarks, which empower individuals to acquire acknowledgment or budgetary profit by what they concoct or make. By finding some kind of harmony between the ...

Journals List Of Theoretical Science

Diaries rundown of hypothetical science is at present our essential exploration objective is to support and help the advancement of better and quicker proportions of Theoretical science. In situations where we accept we ...


Computational science Open-get to diaries are insightful diaries that are accessible online to the peruser "without money related, lawful, or specialized hindrances other than those indivisible from accessing the we ...

Drug Toxicology Reports

Poisonous is a reaction to a medication that is toxic and unintended and happens at dosages typically utilized in man for the prophylaxis, determination or treatment of sickness, or for adjustment of physiological functi ...

Open Access Gynecology Research Journals

Open access diaries are those which are straightforwardly accessible online to the peruser without legitimate, specialized clashes to the creators. Open Access diaries are the significant wellspring of information for yo ...

Vascular Medicine Articles Open Access

Vascular Medicine Free-skimming clots in the inward carotid corridor is uncommon, its occurrence is obscure and its administration stays questionable. It is generally analyzed by angiography after a suggestive ischemic c ...

Peer-reviewed Journals Of Ancient Diseases Preventive Remedies

Diary of Ancient Diseases and Preventive Remedies is one of the main companion investigated diaries of maladies. Its degree fuses practically all fields which are identified with sicknesses, when it is seen from ailment ...

Bone Tissue Engineering

Open Access diaries are the significant wellspring of information for youthful and hopeful ages who are sharp in seeking after a vocation in sciences. This framework gives simple access to systems of logical diaries. Cre ...


Parasitic contaminations are regular all through a significant part of the common world. In people, parasitic diseases happen when an attacking growth assumes control over a territory of the body and is a lot for the res ...

Integrated Pest Management Top Journals

. Pests are organisms that damage or interfere with desirable plants in our fields and orchards, landscapes, or wildlands, or damage homes or other structures. Pests also include organisms that impact human or animal hea ...

Integrated Pest Management Peer Reviewed Journals

After monitoring and considering information about the pest, its biology, and environmental factors, you can decide whether the pest can be tolerated or whether it is a problem that warrants control. If control is needed ...

Integrated Pest Management Open Access Journals

 IPM, you take actions to keep pests from becoming a problem, such as by growing a healthy crop that can withstand pest attacks, using disease-resistant plants, or caulking cracks to keep insects or rodents from ent ...

Integrated Pest Management Impact Factor

Pesticides supports the implementation of an Ecological Pest Management (EPM) or strongly defined Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program in the indoor environment, and Organic Land Care (OLC) practi ...

Integrated Pest Management Articles

IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, a ...

Herbicides Top Journals

Certain herbicides (e.g., sodium arsenite) are sometimes applied by the jar method, whereby the tops of weeds are bent over and immersed in jars of poisonous solution. The herbicide is drawn into the rest of the pla ...

Herbicides Peer Reviewed Journals

Modern weed killers are put in two categories: selective (affecting specific plant species) and nonselective (affecting plants generally). These, in turn, are classified as foliage-applied and soil herbicides. Contact he ...

Free Pharmacogenetics Journals

Pharmacogenomics is the study of the role of the genome in drug response. Its name (pharmaco- + genomics) reflects its combining of pharmacology and genomics. Pharmacogenomics analyzes how the genetic ...

Herbicides Open Access Journals

The new herbicides were revolutionary in that their high toxicity allowed for effective weed control at dosage rates as low as one to two kilograms per hectare (one or two pounds per acre). This contrasted with carb ...