Global Scientific Fields in General Science

General Science is defined as systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of the basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and smooth functioning of various functions in the community and society. Water that flows in the rivers and tanks is part of natural and environment science and when it is stored in dams and supplied through pipes to the fields becomes deployment of irrigation technology. Science and Technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in isolation. While the basic sciences like Math, Physics and Chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technology to facilitate the easy functioning of the complex phenomena like electricity generation, aviation and food processing.

Pesticide Drift Top Journals

Pesticides these may include sensitive crops, organic fields, bee hives, bodies of water, areas of shallow groundwater, schools, hospitals and nursing homes. Read the pesticide label to determine if the product has any s ...

Pesticide Drift Peer Reviewed Journals

Pesticide drift is the movement of a spray solution from the intended target to a place where it is not wanted, or the movement of spray droplets or pesticide vapors out of the sprayed area. In particular, herbicide spra ...

Pesticide Drift Open Access Journals

Pesticide drift can pose health risks to people and pets when sprays and dusts drift to nearby areas such as homes, schools, and playgrounds. Wildlife and plants are also at risk when drift affects natural areas and wate ...

Pesticide Drift Impact Factor

Pesticide drift occurs whenever pesticide leaves the intended target site through the air during or soon after application. Pesticide drift may cause injury to farm workers and other people, particularly childr ...

Pesticide Drift Articles

Pesticide drift is the airborne movement of pesticides from an area of application to any unintended site. Drift can happen during pesticide application, when droplets or dust travel away from the target site. It can also happen after the applicat ...

Risk Assessment Top Open Access Journals

Risk assessment is a straightforward and structured method of ensuring the risks to the health, safety and wellbeing of employees (and others) are suitably eliminated, reduced or controlled, Once hazards have been identi ...

Risk Assessment Scholarly Peer Review Journal

Risk assessment is a primary management tool in ensuring the health and safety of workers (and others). What many people perhaps are not aware of, however, is that they are actually a legal requirement for employers and ...

Risk Assessment Impact Factor

Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of an occupational health and safety management plan. They help to: Create awareness of hazards and risk. Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cl ...

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you: Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification).Analyze and evaluate the risk associated ...


Open raceway ponds or closed photobioreactors and harvesting by the use of centrifuges or membranes. Additionally, oil extraction is possible either in a mechanical way (e.g. press) or by the use of solvents. For th ...


Surfing is a surface water pastime in which the wave rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the forward part, or face, of a moving wave, which usually carries the surfer towards the shore. Wave ...

Nitrogen Fixing Microorganisms Top Journals

Nitrogen Fixation by Free-Living HeterotrophsMany heterotrophic bacteria live in the soil and fix significant levels of nitrogen without the direct interaction with other organisms. Examples of this type of nitrogen-fixi ...

Military Doctrine Top Journals

Military doctrine is one of the conceptual components of war. Its raison d'être is that of a force multiplier. It enables a smaller force to take on and defeat a larger force in battle. This article's departure point is the aphorism ...

Marine-terpenoids-Top Open Access Journals

marine enzymes can be advantageously used both for process improvement or to develop new processes and products. In the present review the role of relevant types of enzymes for the food sector is described and recent findings on those enzymes from ...

Marine-microbial-symbionts Innovations

Marine environment as source of useful biocatalysts for application in several areas of industry pile up, both as scientific reports or patent applications. Marine microorganisms have to endure habitats characterized by extreme conditions of salin ...


Marine microbial enzymes have wide applications in bioindustries. Selection of microorganisms for enzyme production at the industrial level requires good yield and high production rate. A number of enzymes such as amylas ...

Lunar-mare Impact Factor

Mare, plural maria, any flat, dark plain of lower elevation on the Moon. The term, which in Latin means “sea,” was erroneously applied to such features by telescopic observers of the 17th century. In actuality, maria are huge ...

Weed Management Articles

Weed species are frequently difficult to control because they store food reserves in their root systems or underground storage structures. Controlling only what is above ground is usually not sufficient for satisfactory, ...

Weed Management Impact Factor

Weeds also may harbor insects and provide a host for certain plant pathogens. Some weed species, such as wild garlic and eastern black nightshade, can reduce the quality of the harvested crop. Eliminating or reducing the ...

Weed Management Top Journals

A weed is a plant, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. These plants compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight. When uncontrolled, weeds can take over a field, ruining a farmer’s chances of a productive harvest. While chemical ...