Global Scientific Fields in Business & Management

Business is a term that describes the successful operation of a trade, service or commercial activity that involves accumulation of capital, mobilizing resources and overseeing the production, distribution and delivery of the product or service to the end user. Management is a science that deals with the planning, and execution of any said business through a thorough and optimum utilization of resources like land labor, capital so that the organization attains profit. Both the business and the management thus are related closely to each other and demand regular research on consumer behavior, market fluctuation, changes in the national and the international socio, political and economic scenario and its impact on the business, trade and commerce. Business Management deals with the study of various streams of the business models that are broadly conceived to generate new insights into the societal embeddedness of firms in the entire globe and the consequences of such embeddedness on managerial and business processes, structures, and outcomes.

Entrepreneurship Group Journals

Entrepreneurship can broadly be defined as the creation or extraction of value. With this definition, entrepreneurship is viewed as change, which may include other values than simply economic ones. It turns out that there are four distin ...

Entrepreneurship Group Journals List

Entrepreneurship can broadly be defined as the creation or extraction of value. With this definition, entrepreneurship is viewed as change, which may include other values than simply economic ones. It turns out that there are four distin ...


This journal focuses on research related to risk in the financial sphere, but is also interested in research tackling other types of risks at the corporate, institutional, and/or regulatory level that are perceived to be important and interconnect ...

Hotel Business Management Journal

While there is an increasingly extant literature on tourism crises and disasters, a lacunae exists regarding robust conceptual and theoretical frameworks for reviving tourism in a post-conflict context. Holistic frameworks that build tou ...

Entrepreneurship Journals International

International Journal of Entrepreneurship (IJE) is an open access professional journal that encourages latest research on the entrepreneurship globally. Affiliated to Allied Business Academies publications the journ ...


This journal focuses on research related to risk in the financial sphere, but is also interested in research tackling other types of risks at the corporate, institutional, and/or regulatory level that are perceived to be important and interconnect ...

Administrative Law

Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Government agency action can include rule making, adjudication, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda. Ad ...

Hotel Management Open Access Journals

Hospitality business is a rapidly growing and dynamic industry. Tourism and hospitality encompasses transportation, lodging, food, beverage, sightseeing, recreation and the associated industries. The growing competition and rise in consumer expect ...


Urban tourism has remained a consistent theme in the expansion of tourism research. It would progress by embracing wider social science agendas so that tourism becomes integrated into these academic debates to progress the subject area. Its main a ...

Business Management Applications

A business management software, by definition is an application or set of programs that help businesses support, improve, and automate their processes. Such software assist in eliminating errors, completing business tasks, reporting activitie ...

Hotel Management Open Access

Journal of Hotel & Business Management aims to be a top journal of management that covers a range of information, in the form of research articles, case studies, surveys, etc that help in better management and advancement of hotel management s ...

Discretionary Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy is changing the governments budget to influence aggregate demand. i.e. changing taxes and spending.Discretionary fiscal policy means the government make changes to tax rates and or levels of government spen ...


Urban tourism has remained a consistent theme in the expansion of tourism research. It would progress by embracing wider social science agendas so that tourism becomes integrated into these academic debates to progress the subject area. Its main a ...

Review Article Finance Marketing

Marketing strategies is defined as a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its resources on the optimal opportunities with the goals of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes ...

Hotel Management Review Journals

Journal of Hotel & Business Management aims to be a top journal of management that covers a range of information, in the form of research articles, case studies, surveys, etc that help in better management and advanc ...

Finance And Marketing Journals

The Journal of Finance and Marketing disseminates high quality research content based on Financial Marketing from marketing professionals across the globe, with implications from the leading Business schools, universities and research institutes. ...

Hotel Management Top Journals In Hotel Management

Journal of Hotel & Business Management aims to be a top journal of management that covers a range of information, in the form of research articles, case studies, surveys, etc that help in better management and advanc ...

Finance Strategies

The disclosures made by public companies should contain more detailed information about the value of brands and intangible assets, according to equity analysts. Forty-nine per cent of those polled by Brand Finance said that public compan ...

Research Articles Marketing Ethics

The growing field of marketing ethics research is investigating the many aspects of marketing that have an ethical dimension. This article provides a systematic review of this research by (1) developing a categorization scheme for market ...