Global Scientific Fields in Business & Management

Business is a term that describes the successful operation of a trade, service or commercial activity that involves accumulation of capital, mobilizing resources and overseeing the production, distribution and delivery of the product or service to the end user. Management is a science that deals with the planning, and execution of any said business through a thorough and optimum utilization of resources like land labor, capital so that the organization attains profit. Both the business and the management thus are related closely to each other and demand regular research on consumer behavior, market fluctuation, changes in the national and the international socio, political and economic scenario and its impact on the business, trade and commerce. Business Management deals with the study of various streams of the business models that are broadly conceived to generate new insights into the societal embeddedness of firms in the entire globe and the consequences of such embeddedness on managerial and business processes, structures, and outcomes.

Hotel Management Group Journals List

Hotel Management in India - With hospitality sector in India figuring amongst the best performing sectors, a career in hospitality management opens up a plethora of opportunities for hotel management in India According t ...

Hotel Management Journals Publications

Hotel Management in India - With hospitality sector in India figuring amongst the best performing sectors, a career in hospitality management opens up a plethora of opportunities for hotel management in India According t ...

Free Hotel Management Journals

Hotel Management in India - With hospitality sector in India figuring amongst the best performing sectors, a career in hospitality management opens up a plethora of opportunities for hotel management in India According t ...

Entrepreneurship Impact Factor

Entrepreneurship is the development of a business from the ground up-coming up with an idea and turning it into a profitable business. But while the def ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...

High Impact Hotel Management Journals

Hotel operations teach you how to become knowledgeable in all aspects of hotel management and operations. You will learn about the key features of hotels and their responsibilities to customers as well as how to provide a good service to guests. T ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...


The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish the highest quality research with questions, evidence and conclusions that are relevant to strategic management and engaging to strategic management scholars. We receive ...