Global Scientific Fields in Business & Management

Business is a term that describes the successful operation of a trade, service or commercial activity that involves accumulation of capital, mobilizing resources and overseeing the production, distribution and delivery of the product or service to the end user. Management is a science that deals with the planning, and execution of any said business through a thorough and optimum utilization of resources like land labor, capital so that the organization attains profit. Both the business and the management thus are related closely to each other and demand regular research on consumer behavior, market fluctuation, changes in the national and the international socio, political and economic scenario and its impact on the business, trade and commerce. Business Management deals with the study of various streams of the business models that are broadly conceived to generate new insights into the societal embeddedness of firms in the entire globe and the consequences of such embeddedness on managerial and business processes, structures, and outcomes.

Capital Markets

Capital markets are venues where savings and investments are channeled between the suppliers who have capital and those who need capital. The entities that have capital include retail and institutional investors while those who seek ...

Business Accounting Initiatives

A business initiative is an organization's way of setting a priority. It is usually a description of the direction the organization wants to take and how that will improve the organization. The initiative may be a component of the organization ...


Financial auditing is the process of examining an organization's (or individual's) financial records to determine if they are accurate and in accordance with any applicable rules (including accepted accounting st ...

Accounting Theory

Accounting theory is a set of assumptions, frameworks, and methodologies used in the study and application of financial reporting principles. The study of accounting theory involves a review of both the ...

Accounting Principles

Accounting principles are the rules and guidelines that companies must follow when reporting financial data. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issues a standardized set of accounting principles in ...

Accounting For Income Taxes.

The essential accounting for income taxes is to recognize tax liabilities for estimated income taxes payable, and determine the tax expense for the current period. Before delving further into the income taxes topic, we must clarify several concept ...

Accounting Ethics

Accounting ethics is an important topic because, as accountants, we are the key personnel who access the financial information of individuals and entities. Such power also involves the potential and possibilities for abuse of information ...


Globus Stores Private Limited is a retail clothing store chain, based in Mumbai, India. It is part of the Rajan Raheja Group. As of April 2012, the chain has 35 locations in 22 cities in India. Globus was founded in January 1998. Its first locatio ...


Financial Affairs. Academic Affairs & Faculty · Financial Policies related to accounting, budgeting, purchasing, travel, and other business and finance functions. It is a written statement ...


Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management - Top Open Access Journals

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management - Peer-review Journals

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management - Journals

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management - Open Access Journals

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...


Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management - Online Journals

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management - Review Articles

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management -Open Access Articles

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...

Management -High Impact Factor Journals

Management should be viewed as a process consisting of 5 elements. They are Planning, Organising, Commanding, Coordination, Controlling. Planning as the most important managerial function. Creation of organization structure and commanding function ...