Global Scientific Fields in Business & Management

Business is a term that describes the successful operation of a trade, service or commercial activity that involves accumulation of capital, mobilizing resources and overseeing the production, distribution and delivery of the product or service to the end user. Management is a science that deals with the planning, and execution of any said business through a thorough and optimum utilization of resources like land labor, capital so that the organization attains profit. Both the business and the management thus are related closely to each other and demand regular research on consumer behavior, market fluctuation, changes in the national and the international socio, political and economic scenario and its impact on the business, trade and commerce. Business Management deals with the study of various streams of the business models that are broadly conceived to generate new insights into the societal embeddedness of firms in the entire globe and the consequences of such embeddedness on managerial and business processes, structures, and outcomes.

Risk Mitigation Online Journals

Risk mitigation is a strategy to prepare for and lessen the effects of threats faced by a data center. Comparable to risk reduction, risk mitigation takes steps to reduce the negative effects of threats and disasters on bu ...


Outbound Tourism is the activity of travelling to a foreign country by the residential citizen. It can be for many purposes like VFR (visiting friends and relatives), Medical and health solutions, leisure & pleasure, business, academic or lear ...


Outbound tourism refers to the activities of a resident visitor outside of their country of residence (e.g. a Brit visiting an overseas country).The tourism industry in Britain is primarily a private sector ind ...

Management Journals List

Management is essential for an organized life and necessary to run all types of management. Good management is the backbone of successful organizations. Managing life means getting things done to achieve life’s objectives and managing an org ...


tourism is the temporary short-period movement of people to destination outside the places where they normally live, work; and activities during their stay at these destinations.” This definition includes the movem ...


Tourism Guidelines, among others coupled with promotional activities such as Incredible India 2.0 campaign and India Tourism Mart 2018 have immensely benefited the sector. Going forward, there is a greater need for the G ...


tourism is also known as 'inbound tourism.' Incoming tourism means travelers arriving in different countries from their own. Incoming tourism is a valuable source of income for the country and the local economy, because it's not just t ...


Tourism has emerged as one of the key enablers of growth worldwide. The sector significantly contributes towards socio-economic progress through employment generation, foreign exchange earnings and infrastructure develop ...


Tourism has emerged as one of the key enablers of growth worldwide. The sector significantly contributes towards socio-economic progress through employment generation, foreign exchange earnings and infrastructure develop ...


The Government has been actively working towards tapping plethora of opportunities available in the sector to actualize its true potential. Several initiatives such as rapid implementation of Swadesh Darshan and PRASHAD schemes, E-Visa for citizen ...


The sector contributed USD 8.8 trillion to the global economy and accounted for 319 million jobs, equivalent to one in every ten jobs. The scale of growth and importance of the sector is also evident from the fact that o ...


Incoming tourism is also known as 'inbound tourism.' Incoming tourism means travelers arriving in different countries from their own. Incoming tourism is a valuable source of income for the country and the local economy, because it's n ...

Free Textile Science Journals

Forensic textile science is a relatively young discipline; fibre identification is the most established component of this discipline. Textile products of interest to the forensic scientist include individual fi ...

Innovation Policy And The Economy

Information and communication technology now enables firms to collect detailed and potentially intrusive data about their customers both easily and cheaply. This means that privacy concerns are no longer limited to gover ...


Urban tourism is a term describing multiple tourist activities in which city is main destination and place of interest. This form of tourism is relatively old and very complex. Cities were always purpose of many journeys and trips althou ...

Textileengineering Top Journals

Textile recycling is the process by which old clothing and other textiles are recovered for reuse or material recovery. It is the basis for the textile recycling industry. In the United States, this group is represented by SMART, the Associat ...

Textile Recycling Uses

The importance of recycling textiles is increasingly being recognized. Over 80 billion garments are produced annually, worldwide. According to U.S. EPA, around 16 million tons of textile municipal solid waste (MSW) was generated in 2015, about 6.1 ...

Textile Recycling Online Journals

  Textile recycling is the process by which old clothing and other textiles are recovered for reuse or material recovery. It is the basis for the textile recycling industry. In the United States, this group is represented by SM ...

International Business Studies

Business Studies is an academic subject taught in schools and at university level in many countries. Its study combines elements of accountancy, finance, marketing, organizational studies and economics. ...

International Business Studies Journals

In an ever-changing global business and economic environment, studying business from an international perspective is vital for graduates who are ambitious to work across international boundaries and cultures. Business Studies is an acade ...