Global Scientific Fields in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmaceutical Sciences is a dynamic, interdisciplinary field that integrates the fundamentals of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, biology, statistics, and engineering in order to better optimize the design, action, delivery, and disposition of drugs, and translate this information into new and improved therapies. This field is not restricted to the mere discovery, development, manufacture, regulation, and utilization of medical products, it also deals with the mechanism of drug action, the safety and efficacy of drugs, and how much more safer drugs can be brought to the market, and how drugs impact the body. The research conducted by pharmaceutical scientists doesn?t just aid relatively healthy people stay healthy; it also gives individuals with serious illnesses a chance to regain their health.

Best Open Access Journals In Pharmacokinetics

Modes of interactions of small ligands with CYP3A4 have been defined using the Template established in our previous studies (DMPK. 34: 113–125 2019 and 34 351–364 2019). Interactions of po ...

Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are tubes made of carbon with diameters typically measured in nanometers. Carbon nanotubes often refer to single-wall c ...

Antifungal Activity

The antifungal activities of monocytes and resident macrophages have been extensively studied. Macrophages from different species and different anatomic sites vary in their capacity to inhibit and kil ...

Human Papillomavirus Journals

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are related with a range of various infections in people, including basic moles and genital moles. Of progressively genuine concern is the association between certain HPV types and a few malignancies, especially cervi ...

International Aquatic Plants Journals

Aquatic plants are plants that have adapted to living in aquatic environments (saltwater or freshwater). They are also referred to as hydrophytes or macrophytes to distinguish them from algae and other microphytes. A macro ...

Top Journals For Drug Developing

This is the process by which drugs and their metabolites exit the body, primarily via urine or feces. Drugs may also be excreted in sweat, saliva, breast milk, or exhaled air. A substance may be excreted in its altered, or metabolized, form o ...

Research Articles Of Drug Discovery

This is the process by which drugs and their metabolites exit the body, primarily via urine or feces. Drugs may also be excreted in sweat, saliva, breast milk, or exhaled air. A substance may be excreted in its altered, or metabolized, form o ...

High Impact Factor Journals Of Drug Discovery

In the fields of medicine, biotechnology and pharmacology, drug discovery is the process by which new candidate medications are discovered. Historically, drugs were discovered by identifying the active ingredient from traditional remedies or by se ...

Coronavirus In Peru

A few of the early cases had visited Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market thus the infection is thought to have a zoonotic root. The infection that caused the flare-up is known as SARS‐CoV‐2, a ...


A biopharmaceutical, also called a biologic(al) medical product,or biologic, is any pharmaceutical drug product synthetic in, extracted from, or semisynthesized from organic assets. Distinct from tota ...

New Finding On Target Based Drug Discovery

The key to good drug design is working out and capturing the clinical spectrum of disease and the exact role a potential therapeutic target plays in the disease. In the words of the German researcher, Paul Ehrlich, known ...

Application Of Proteomics In Drug Desinging

Proteins are the principal targets of drug discovery. Most large pharmaceutical companies now have a proteomics-oriented biotech or academic partner or have started their own proteomics division. Common applications of proteomics in the drug indus ...

Limonoids Articles

Limonoids occur naturally only in plant species of the Rutaceae and Meliaceae plant families (Manners, 2007). Limonoids are highly oxygenated modified triterpenes that are biosynth ...

Journal On Ligand Based Drug Designing

caffold hopping and fragment replacement tools have proven very effective as a strategy to generate novel IP and ideas for back-up series or to replace a structural element associated with metabolic instability or unwant ...

Bioaccumulation Top Journals

The word bioaccumulation is used to describe the build up of chemicals in fish. Through the food chain, chemicals like PCBs, DDT, dioxins, and mercury build up in the bodies of the fish. The picture below shows how this might happen in a lake near ...

Bioaccumulation Peer Reviewed Journals

Bioaccumulation is the gradual accumulation of substances, such as pesticides or other chemicals, in an organism. Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism absorbs a substance at a rate faster than that at which the substance is lost ...

Enrichment In Drug Designing

Designing clinical trials to include patient populations most likely to demonstrate a response to the therapy being studied is not a new concept. The term “enrichment” refers to the prospective incorporation ...

Drug Designing And Nanotechnology

Traditional chemotherapy used today at clinics is mainly inherited from the thinking and designs made four decades ago when the Cancer War was declared. The potency of those chemotherapy drugs on in-vitro cancer cells is ...

Social Contract Top Open Access Journals

Social contact can consult with: within the sociological hierarchy leading as much as social relations, an incidental social interplay among individuals. In social networks, a node (representing an ch ...

Autism Impact Factor Innovations

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a vast range of conditions characterized by means of challenges with social competencies, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communique. In keeping with the c ...