Global Scientific Fields in Nursing & Health Care

Nursing and healthcare focuses on all aspects of patient care. Hence, it is central to the care of families and communities as well, and ensuring that they acquire/maintain/recover optimal health and attain a better quality of life. From ensuring that the patients are provided the most accurate diagnoses and treatment, to educating the public about crucial health issues, such as vaccination programs, personal and community hygiene, and population specific treatment practices, healthcare professionals such as nurses are indispensable for safeguarding public health. Hence, research and development in the field of contemporary nursing and healthcare will help raise the standard of health of entire populations.

Trade Mark Related-innovations

A trademark is a sign or mix of signs that recognize merchandise or administrations of one individual or endeavor from those of another. Its source goes back to old occasions, when specialists duplica ...

Trade Mark Related-review-journals

A trademark is a sign or mix of signs that recognize merchandise or administrations of one individual or endeavor from those of another. Its source goes back to old occasions, when specialists duplica ...

Eating Disorders

what is an eating disorder (ED)? Eating problems describe ailments which can be characterized with the aid of irregular eating conduct and extreme distress or challenge approximately ...

Astronomical Object-impact Factor

In space science a galactic thing or magnificent article is an ordinarily happening physical substance, association, or structure that exists in the recognizable universe. In stargazing, the terms art ...

Social Contract Journals :

  The Social Contract is a simple, yet highly effective manner to enable team autonomy and self accountability for engagements. The Social Contract is created ...

Experimental Genomics Online Journals :

Peromyscus maniculatus shows outrageous variety in coat shading that is believed to be driven by determination for crypsis against avian predation. Specifically, mice occupying the Sand Hills district of Nebraska have ex ...

Patent Law Group Journals List

Licensed innovation Rights is a questionable term alluding to various particular kinds of articulations for protected innovation rights incorporate copyrights, trademarks, patents,industrial configuration rights and priz ...

Trade Mark Related-open-access-journals

Licensed innovation Rights is a questionable term alluding to various particular kinds of articulations for protected innovation rights incorporate copyrights, trademarks, patents,industrial configuration rights and priz ...

Operations Management - Top Journals

Business is also known as firm or enterprise, firm is an organization which gets involved in trading of goods services or even both to the consumers. Most of the businesses are privately owned which provide goods and services to the customers in e ...

Mental Disorders Researches Journals

A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning. Such features may be ...


A delusion is a firm and fixed belief based on inadequate grounds not amenable to rational argument or evidence to contrary, not in sync with regional, cultural and educational backg ...

Reproductive Disorders Top Journals

Reproductive disorders are diseases involving the reproductive system, including reproductive tract infections, congenital abnormalities, cancers of the reproductive system and sexual dysfunction. A r ...


Ecology have become a serious technological know-how a few one hundred years in the past while the troubles that it sought to recognize had been clear and easy: the motives for the distribution and ab ...


Criminology is a scientific study of cause and prevention of crime in a legal manner. it can also be defined as law enforcement and criminal justice system. criminology is a branch o ...

Growth And Yield Schorly Open Access Journals

Agrotechnology is among the top Scholarly open access journals which publishes the articles related to Agricultural production. Agrotechnology provide a forum for Scientists from all over the world to exchange ideas, to propagate the advancement o ...


Impact Space is the open information stage controlling the worldwide effect commercial center. Along with our sister site, Impact Alpha, we are giving stories and information to financial specialists, ...


Copyright assurance exists from the second a work is made in a fixed, unmistakable type of articulation. The copyright promptly turns into the property of the creator who made the work. Just the creator, or those determining their privileges throu ...

High Impact Intellectual Property Rights Journals

IP is ensured in law by, for instance, licenses, copyright and trademarks, which empower individuals to win acknowledgment or money related profit by what they develop or make. By fi ...

Intellectual Property Rights-innovations

IP is ensured in law by, for instance, licenses, copyright and trademarks, which empower individuals to win acknowledgment or money related profit by what they develop or make. By fi ...

Intellectual Property Rights-impact-factor

Licensed innovation rights are the rights given to people over the manifestations of their brains. They as a rule give the maker a selective directly over the utilization of his/her creation for a spe ...