Global Scientific Fields in Genetics & Molecular Biology

Genetics deals with the gross structure, organization, replication, recombination, functional regulation and transmission of heritable information in the biological organisms and also includes studies on the environmental factors affecting the genetic composition and evolution of biological organisms. Studies in genetics range from basic molecular genetics to large scale genomics at organism level. Molecular biology focuses on immunology, microbiology, genetics and cellular and sub-cellular biology. Studies on deciphering the structure and function of genetic materials, proteins and other metabolically active biochemical entities forms the fundamentals of genetic & molecular biology which find immense relevance in effective and accurate treatment of disease, increased crop production to meet the demands. Genetic engineering is the latest evolutionary product of the field which focuses on construction of genetically modified organisms.

Best Indexed Journals In Tissue Transplantation

A transplant is an organ, tissue, or a group of cells removed from one person (the donor) and surgically transplanted into another person (the recipient or host) or moved from one site to another site in the same person. ...

Best Open Access Journals In Tissue Transplantation

Tissue or cell transplantation is an invaluable technique with a multitude of applications including studying the developmental potential of certain cell populations, dissecting cell-environment interactions, and identifying stem cells. One key te ...

Tissue Scaffold

Tissue engineering is the use of a combination of cells, engineering, and materials methods, and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to improve or replace biological tissues. Tissue engineering involves the use of a tissue scaffold fo ...

Structural Biology

Structural biology is a branch of molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics concerned with the molecular structure of biological macromolecules (especially proteins, made up of amino acids, RNA or DNA, made up of nucleotides, membranes, made ...