Global Scientific Fields in Engineering

Engineering is an applied science that deploys the core and the basic scientific areas such as Physics, Chemistry, Math and biological sciences. Coupled with information technology, Engineering as a field of research and academics handle vast areas related manufacturing, automobiles, industries, construction, mines, water management and a whole lot of areas where the public utilities are involved. Advancements in ICTs have ushered in a new era in this field for automation, facilitating a quick and efficient use of knowledge with the help of technology. The progress of any economy and the society is based on the advancements in the fields of Engineering and technology as it enables the best and the maximum utilization of the time, energy and money with at most efficiency by minimizing the waste.


Information and communications of new technologies, has created the intelligence community and emergence this community has put a particular conditions facing the audience. One of proposed fields is commercial advertising. Commercial advertising B ...

Quality Bioengineering Journals

This term basically refers to the biological systems engineering. Bioengineering typically involves branches such as biology, physics, mathematics and computers to devise concepts and ideas to solve complex real time problems and to implement the ...

Anesthesia And Clinical Research

The hypnotic, antinociceptive, and anticonvulsant properties of melatonin endow this neurohormone with the profile of a novel hypnotic‐anesthetic agent. Sublingually or orally administered melatonin is an effective premedicant in adults and ...

Sensor Direction

In the broadest definition, a sensor is a device, module, machine, or subsystem whose purpose is to detect events or changes in its environment and send the information to other electronics, frequently a computer processor. A sensor ...

Mechanical Engineering Uses

Mechanical engineering is an engineering discipline that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.[1] It is one of the oldest and broadest of th ...

Indexed Journals In Mechanical Engineering

Thoughts and Ideas is one among the leading journals in Mechanical engineering, Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering that uses the principles of machine engineering, physics and material science to design and maintain mechanical syst ...

Physical Electronics Journals List

The study of physical phenomena basic to electronics, such as discharges, thermionic and field emission, and conduction in semiconductors and metals. Physical Electronics deals with the actual phenomenon occurring within the device during its oper ...

Mechanical Engineering In Industries

Mechanical engineers can also work in non-engineering types of jobs, both within and outside of the engineering industry. These can be in areas such as: finance, management, law, the military, government, medicine, research, technical sales, techn ...

Automobile Engineering In Industries

Automotive engineering, along with aerospace engineering and naval architecture, is a branch of vehicle engineering, incorporating elements of mechanical, electrical, electronic, softwa ...

Mechanical Engineering Applications

Mechanical engineering is a diverse subject that derives its breadth from the need to design and manufacture everything from small individual parts and devices (e.g., microscale sensors and inkjet printer nozzles) to large systems (e.g., spacecraf ...

Textile Engineering Articles Open Access

Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology (JTEFT) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the textilepedia. The jou ...

Software Engineering - Research Articles

  Software engineering is a field of Computer science, for planning and composing projects for computers or other electronic gadgets. A software engineer designs a software utili ...


Space research is scientific studies carried out using scientific equipment in outer space. It includes the use of space technology for a broad spectrum of research disciplines, including Earth science, materials science, biology, medicine, and ph ...

Fluid Dynamics Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Fluid Mechanics: Fluid Mechanics is a foremost impending journal and is exclusive for those concerned with the applications of fluid electrodynamics. It deals with the study of forces and flow within flu ...

Electronics Engineering Peer Review Journals

In electrical engineering, design problems are both difficult to solve and also difficult to model. This consists to solve in most cases an inverse problem. For example, we impose an electric motor engine torque, the maximum flux density in the co ...

Software Engineering - High Impact Factor Journals

Software Engineering is a field of Computer science, for planning and composing projects for computers or other electronic gadgets. A software engineer designs a software utilizing techniques that bring about a noticeabl ...

Physical Electronics Open Access

The Physical Electronics articles on current, electrical phenomenon, electrons, physical science, wave perform, molecular quantum states reflects the common variety of citations for the impact issue. The internet is the essential provide for learn ...

Software Engineering - Open Access Articles

Software engineering is a field of Computer science, for planning and composing projects for computers or other electronic gadgets. A software engineer designs a software utilizing techniques that bring about a noticeabl ...

Software Engineering - Review Articles

Software engineering is a field of Computer science, for planning and composing projects for computers or other electronic gadgets. A software engineer designs a software utilizing techniques that bring about a noticeabl ...

Software Engineering

Software engineering is an engineering branch associated with development of software product using well-defined scientific principles, methods and procedures. The outcome of software engineering is an efficient and reliable software product. ...