Global Scientific Fields in Engineering

Engineering is an applied science that deploys the core and the basic scientific areas such as Physics, Chemistry, Math and biological sciences. Coupled with information technology, Engineering as a field of research and academics handle vast areas related manufacturing, automobiles, industries, construction, mines, water management and a whole lot of areas where the public utilities are involved. Advancements in ICTs have ushered in a new era in this field for automation, facilitating a quick and efficient use of knowledge with the help of technology. The progress of any economy and the society is based on the advancements in the fields of Engineering and technology as it enables the best and the maximum utilization of the time, energy and money with at most efficiency by minimizing the waste.

Automobile Engineering Applications

Automotive engineering, along with aerospace engineering and naval architecture, is a branch of vehicle engineering, incorporating elements of mechanical, electrical, electronic, software, and safety engineering as applied to the design, ...

Reputed Textilescience Journals

textiles simple answer is no! It can be dependent upon what we define as future textiles. Space age materials for NASA in the 1960s, for example, were groundbreaking in their use of the latest textile fibers, yarns, ...


Telecommunication is the exchange of signs, signals, messages, words, writings, images and sounds or information of any nature by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems. Telecommunication occurs when the exchange of information betw ...

Top Textilescience Online Publishing Journals

textiles is particularly important in cases that involve physical contact, such as assault, rape, homicide, burglary and hit-and-runs where there is usually an unintentional transmission of microscopic evidence. These ty ...

Textilescience Uses

Textile science is a relatively young discipline; fibre identification is the most established component of this discipline. Textile products of interest to the forensic scientist include individual fibres, yarns,&n ...

Textilescience In Industries

Textile Science is a challenging field where research and diligence pay off in new technologies and innovative products that can improve the comfort, safety and convenience of consumers. The Textile Science option provid ...

Textilescience Group Journals List

Textile Spun silk is less elastic, dull in appearance and stiffer than regular silk filament. It is also less expensive and more comfortable. It is used for summer apparel, drapery and upholstery Textiles Futures course ...

Textilescience Group Journals

Textiles have advanced from one progressive step to another. Evidence of the first textile materials go back to the Stone Age. Running about naked is not an option when the temperature is below zero and where you could q ...

Textilescience Future

Future textiles simple answer is no! It can be dependent upon what we define as future textiles. Space age materials for NASA in the 1960s, for example, were groundbreaking in their use of the latest textile fibers, ...

Textilescience Articles Open Access

It is a monthly published journal which accepts all types of articles like Editorial, Research, Review, Case Report, Short Communication, Perspectives, Mini Review, Clinical Image, Letter to Editor, e-Books, Video articles etc. Because of its high ...

Textilescience Articles

Textile materials and products in various forms. It is important to understand the methods of production of textiles and the variations in their performance properties, use and care so that informed decisions can be taken by a consumer to buy a pr ...

Textilescience Applications

textile and fiber scientists around the world. Another book published in 1969 by Hearle, Grosberg, and Stanley Backer of MIT titled Structural Mechanics of Fibers, Yarns, and Fabric [17] dealt with many fu ...

Textileengineering Uses

The textile industry being one of the oldest industries in the world demonstrated the art of know-how at a time textile science was not in existence and the rules of engineering design were not established, and technology was only what a ...

Textileengineering New Findings

Textile fabrics; geometrical principles applicable to the design of functional fabrics; and the plasticity behavior of fibers. The significant contribution of Peirce to the field inspired many great scientists in the latter years including Hearle ...

Textileengineering Journals Publications

This was the first nylon fiber introduced to the world based on extensive research led by Wallace Carothers (1896–1937), an American chemist, inventor, and the leader of organic chemistry at DuPont. On the textile ...

Textileengineering In Industries

Scientific research in the textile field had markedly begun in the early years of the 20th century [2–6]. The focus of the early studies was on understanding the chemical composition and the physical structures of fibers. For example, W ...

Textileengineering Group Journals List

The successful exploitation of textiles in forensic cases relies on the capabilities of investigators to trace textiles and fibres to their original source, with the collection and recovery of textiles from a scene being dependent upon the require ...

Textileengineering Future

The successful exploitation of textiles in forensic cases relies on the capabilities of investigators to trace textiles and fibres to their original source, with the collection and recovery of textiles from a scene being ...

Textileengineering Applications

A demand for longer release of active agents is always a beneficial aspect of controlled release systems. Optimizing the composition of the polymer wall of microcapsules and the encapsulation method should be reflected in a better release control. ...

Textile Research Top Journal

Textile structures with embedded active agent–loaded microcapsules have found their application in many fields such as medicine, cosmetics, and wellness. Their role will grow with an increase in peoples' needs ...