Global Scientific Fields in Clinical Sciences

Clinical sciences basically involve investigation of the biological systems including fluids, cellular, molecular, and the genetic systems for the healthy and proper functioning of it. Clinical investigation is a thorough laboratory examination of blood, urine, stool and the other biological tissues, enzymes and materials to detect whether or not the biological system is hale and healthy. Clinical sciences constantly search for investigatory tools and techniques that could effectively detect the root cause of the problem in case of diseases, so that the physicians could address the issue in an efficient manner. Clinical research is instrumental in the diagnosis, treatment recovery, and rehabilitation of the patient. Developments in the clinical research lead to novel diagnostic procedures, drug design and development and innovative delivery mechanism. Circulation of the clinical research outcome through the peer reviewed open access clinical journals enables clinicians, practitioners, and physicians in applying this knowledge practically.

Articles On Glucose Intolerance

Glucose intolerance is a global health concern that encompasses glucose metabolism abnormalities such as impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and type 2 diabetes (T2D). There is an urgent need to focus on the prediabet ...