Global Scientific Fields in Chemistry

Chemistry is the fundamental and the most basic among the pure sciences that sets the foundation for various interdisciplinary areas for research and exploration. In collaboration with other sciences, chemistry produces vast information including inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, industrial chemistry, medicinal chemistry, modern chemistry and crystallographic studies, etc. These sub sects have extensive applications on industries, agriculture, medicine etc. Right from the very ordinary and daily activities like cooking and digesting the food in the intestine to unusual atmospheric phenomena like rains and seasonal changes, chemical activity plays a vital role in streamlining the life on this planet Earth. The importance of the basic chemical elements like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen need not be over emphasized as they ate essential for the entire biological practice involving growth, decay and biodegradation. Coupled with the innovative technological advancements, chemistry is advancing the best biological, medical, pharmaceutical and industrial practices and applications to improve the quality of living on the earth.


Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as fuel in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles. It is increasingly used as an aerosol propellant and refrigerant, replacing chlorofluorocarbons ...

Medicinal Chemistry Journals

As per available reports about 372 journals, 150 Conferences, 83 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Medicinal Chemistry and about 344000 articles are being published on the  ...

High Energy Photon Therapy

A type of radiation therapy that uses high-energy photons (units of light energy). High-energy photons penetrate deeply into tissues to reach tumors while giving less radiation to superficial tissues such as the skin.Nevertheless, this is still de ...

Total Dissolved Solids

Water is a good solvent and picks up impurities easily.  Pure water -- tasteless, colourless, and odourless -- is often called the universal solvent.   Dissolved solids" refer to any minerals, salts, ...


Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with heat and temperature, and their relation to energy, work, radiation, and properties of matter. The behavior of these quantities is governed by the four laws of thermo ...

Pistagremic Acid

Pistagremic acid (PA) is a bioactive tri-terpene isolated in total quantity from the galls of Pistacia integerrima. PA has been documented for a broad range of in vitro and in vivo biological properties. This letter documented the bioloigical pote ...

Thermal Energy

Thermal energy refers to the energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature. Heat is the flow of thermal energy. A whole branch of physics, thermodynamics, deals with how heat is transferred bet ...