Bordetella respiratory disorder may be a gram-negative, aerobic, pathogenic, encapsulated eubacteria of the genus Bordetella, and also the anorectic agent of respiratory disorder or respiratory disorder. Like B. bronchiseptica, B. respiratory disorder is motile and expresses a flagellum-like structure. Bordetella respiratory disorder may be a gram-negative, aerobic, pathogenic, encapsulated eubacteria of the genus Bordetella, and also the anorectic agent of respiratory disorder or respiratory disorder. Like B. bronchiseptica, B. respiratory disorder is motile and expresses a flagellum-like structure. Pertussis, a respiratory disease ordinarily referred to as respiratory disease, could be a terribly contagion caused by a sort of bacterium referred to as Bordetella whooping cough. whooping cough spreads from person to person. folks with unwellness|respiratory disease|respiratory illness|respiratory disorder} typically unfold the disease to a different person by coughing or unconditioned reflex or once defrayal loads of your time close to each other wherever you share respiration house.