Vortex Stretching Technology Peer Review Journal

Vortex Stretching Technology Peer Review Journal

Vortex stretching is the lengthening of vortices in three-dimensional fluid flow, associated with a corresponding increase of the component of vorticity in the stretching direction due to the conservation of angular momentum. Vortex stretching is describing the turbulence energy cascade from the large scales to the small scales in turbulence. The properties of turbulence fluid elements are more lengthened than squeezed. Peer review refers to the work done during the screening of submitted manuscripts and funding applications. This process encourages authors to meet the accepted standards of their discipline and reduces the dissemination of irrelevant findings, unwarranted claims, unacceptable interpretations, and personal views. Publications that have not undergone peer review are likely to be regarded with suspicion by academic scholars and professionals. Journal of Vortex Science and technology well explained about Vortex stretching. This is one of the Open access peer-reviewed journals. The manuscripts published in this journal are original research in the form of current research and reviews

Last Updated on: Mar 07, 2025

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