Uses Of Lipidomics

Uses Of Lipidomics

Lipidomics is the study of the structure and function of the complete set of lipids (the lipidome) produced in a given cell or organism as well as their interactions with other lipids, proteins and metabolites. LIPIDPrimeOA Publications is an emerging field of biomedical research which includes complex lipidome analysis. Basically, a lipidome is the comprehensive and quantitative description of a set of lipid species present in an organism. Lipidomics involves systems-level identification and quantitation of thousands of pathways and networks of cellular lipids molecular species and their interactions with other lipids, proteins and other moieties in vivo.

Lipidomics itself is a subgroup within the field of metabolomics. Furthermore, lipidomics can be subdivided into:

Membrane-lipidomics: Includes the comprehensive and quantitative description of membrane lipid constituents.

Mediator-lipidomics: Includes the structural characterization and quantification of low abundant bioactive lipid species.

Last Updated on: Nov 25, 2024

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