

Business and Economics Journal is known for publishing quality Underpricing articles in the form of short communications, editorials, case report or review articles. The journal is using Editorial Manager System for quality in peer review process. Editorial Manager System is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Underpricing can be defined as the pricing of an initial public offering (IPO) below its market value or increase in stock value from the initial offering price to the first-day closing price. The stock is considered to be underpriced if the offer price is lower than the price of the first trade. A stock is usually only underpriced temporarily because the laws of supply and demand will eventually drive it toward its intrinsic value. Business and Economics Journal is published by PrimeOA Publications, one of the leading Open Access publishers. PrimeOA Publications International conferences review committee focus on research methodology, the applicative part implemented to obtain the result as these will affect the quality of abstracts accepted for oral and poster presentations. Panel discussion during the last day has been a real treat for the participants as vast amount of knowledge is shared during the same.

PrimeOA Publications organizes over 100 Scientific Conferences all over the globe annually with the support from various scientific associations and 20,000 editorial board members. Since its inception, PrimeOA Publications International has focused on meeting the needs of the scientific community, through strong tie-up with business and industry, while at the same time accomplishing international benchmarks and accreditation standards.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Business & Management