Top Open Access Public Interest Journals

Top Open Access Public Interest Journals

PrimeOA Publications International is a scientific organization that promotes open access for relevant scientific information and research findings. About 700 open access scientific journals are handled by more than 50000 editorial board members who belong to both academic and industrial circles in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology journals. A collaboration set up recently with 1000 international societies would provide a window to wider knowledge-base of worldwide open access health-related information. As part of its drive to boost knowledge-sharing through real-time interaction, this open access group has been organizing over 1000 world-class scientific conferences at global venues through the calendar year. Abstracts presented at the meets are invited from scholars with a track record of effective research papers that are also published as special journal issue for each of the conference.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Business & Management