Differential prognosis of a solitary lateral cervical mass can betough. Pathologies at the back of a cervical mass include benignconditions (reactive lymphoid enlargements, brachial cysts);malignancies such as branchiogenic cancer; and lymph nodemetastases from oro-nasopharyngeal, thyroid, or salivary glandcarcinomas. Guidelines in patients with cervical lymph nodemetastasis recommend that PET/CTdetects the number one web site in 37%of instances. Diagnostic assessment have to be for my part guided.The first step is to take a detailed clinical records includingown family history accompanied by a physical examination that covers thehead and neck area, breasts in girls, the testis in guys, and adigital rectal examination. Tumor markers and viral serologysports (especially in head and neck vicinity) may presentuseful statistics. Diagnostic reviews including ultrasound,great needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), CT, MRI, PET/CT,mammography, and upper/lower endoscopy could be beneficial indifferential analysis.Further examination is also needed to exclude different number onemalignancies within the head and neck region which include squamous cellcarcinoma or melanoma which could lead to metastasis inside the necklymph nodes [1]. Aspiration cytology in practiced fingers can assistto define the starting place of the primary tumor. For thyroid most cancers,the perfect surgical treatment is thyroidectomy and critica lneck dissection for biopsy-confirmed metastasis inside the imperative neckplace. In most thyroid cancer instances, the number one tumor islocated in either lobe or within the isthmus. Papillary thyroid cancer(PTC) is the maximum not unusual thyroid malignancy.