Reviewing journal is an academic journal, in which review progress of an area of research could be found usually thorough means of research article of the same area. Reviewing journal can be classified into many different formats depending upon the frequency. Microarray review article would help the scientists in sharing, and finding out the review articles. Review journals not only help in enhancing knowledge, but also in igniting the thought of doing research. Theoretical science review journal in academic publishing is an academic journal devoted to the review of progress in some particular area or topic during a preceding period often through the means of its publishing review articles. Theoretical science review journal dedicated to produce analyses, insight and data relating to questions of importance in understanding the Global economy. Theoretical science uses from PrimeOA Publications are an open access review journal named as Journal of Theoretical science which strives to release issues quarterly and is adamant to publish new findings related to the field of Theoretical science. The mission of the Theoretical science uses provides a forum for publishing new findings on Management principles and technology. Currently our primary research objective is to encourage.