Textilescience Future

Textilescience Future

Future textiles simple answer is no! It can be dependent upon what we define as future textiles. Space age materials for NASA in the 1960s, for example, were groundbreaking in their use of the latest textile fibers, yarns, and materials that were rigorously tested for their properties to be used for the end use of space exploration.However, beyond this, the advancement in textile technology has been combined with electronic advancements which has enabled a hybrid of scientific inventions that has not only revolutionized the textile industry but is now virtually dictating its structure.These advancements have been widely documented but what is less well known is how we got to this point. Textiles have been man's greatest invention from materials that were designed to keep us warm and protect us from the elements to fabrics that can remove the sweat from our bodies whilst at the same time keeping us warm and cool. These discoveries have evolved over many thousands of years when humans first came into existence on this planet.

Last Updated on: Feb 21, 2025

Global Scientific Words in Engineering