Television Viewing And Food Choice Patterns In Youth

Television Viewing And Food Choice Patterns In Youth

 It has been suggested that television viewing influences obesity risk because advertising disproportionately promotes high-calorie, low-nutrient food that lead to increased energy intake . he higher rates of overweight in minority children may be partially explained by their greater volume of television viewing as compared to white youth .

This increased exposure is potentially compounded in that more nutrient-poor food advertisements appear during programs that target ethnic minorities than programs for the general public. However, the longitudinal associations between screen time and snacking have not been fully examined in minority children.

If interventions reduced adolescents television viewing time, such interventions could positively impact eating habits and thereby reduce adolescent risk for obesity. Television Viewing and Food Choice Patterns in a Sample of Predominantly Ethnic Minority Youth Daheia J Barr-Anderson

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

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