Sonic Jet Control

Sonic Jet Control

Aerodynamic mixing of subsonic and sonic jets with limiting tabs, with and without corrugations, has been studied experimentally. Limiting tab located at the nozzle exit and at a downstream distance of 0.5D has been considered in this study. Mixing caused by the tab at nozzle exit is found to be better that of tab at 0.5D, for both plain and corrugated geometries. Also, both tabs caused better mixing for under expanded sonic jets than the correctly expanded sonic jet and subsonic jets. At nozzle pressure ratio 3 the plain tab at the nozzle exit reduced the core by about 56 % and the corrugated tab by about 51 %. But when the plain tab is placed at 0.5D the jet mixing is retarded. However, the corrugated tab at 0.5D enhances the mixing, though not up to the level of the same tab at 0D, at all Mach numbers except 0.6. The maximum reduction of core caused by shifted corrugated tab is 14 % for Mach 0.8 jet.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

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