Sedimentology encompasses the study of contemporary sediments like sand, silt, and clay,and therefore the processes that end in their formation (erosion and weathering), transport, deposition and diagenesis. Sedimentologists apply their understanding of contemporary processes to interpret earth science history through observations of matter rocks and matter structures. matter rocks conceal to seventy fifth of the surface, record abundant of the Earth's history, and harbor the fossil record. Sedimentology is closely joined to stratigraphy, the study of the physical and temporal relationships between rock layers or strata. The premise that the processes touching the world nowadays square measure an equivalent as within the past is that the basis for crucial however matter options within the rock record were shaped. By scrutiny similar options nowadays to options within the rock record—for example, by trendyscrutiny sand dunes to dunes preserved in ancient aeolian —geologists reconstruct past environments. The aim of , sandstonessedimentologyfinding out sediments, is to derive info on the conddepositionalitions that acted to deposit the rock unit, and therefore the relation of the rock units individualduring a basin into a coherent understanding of the evolution of the matter sequences and basins, and thus, the history as Earth's geologic an entire.