The term "in silico" is a pendant to "in vivo" (in the living system) and "in vitro" (in the test tube) biological experiments, and implies the gain of insights by computer-based simulations and model analyses. In Silico Biology (ISB) was founded in 1998 as a purely online journal. IOS Press became the publisher of the printed journal shortly after. Today, ISB is dedicated exclusively to biological systems modeling and multi-scale simulations and is published solely by IOS Press. The previous online publisher, Bioinformation Systems, maintains a website containing studies published between 1998 and 2010 for archival purposes. In Silico Biology is a scientific research journal aiming to advance the use of computational models and simulations in studies applied to complex biological phenomena. We publish peer-reviewed leading-edge biological, biomedical and biotechnological research in which computer-based (i.e., “in silico “) modeling and analysis tools are developed and utilized to predict and elucidate dynamics of biological systems, their design and control, and their evolution. Experimental support may also be provided to support the computational analyses.