Reputed Aquatic Plants Journals

Reputed Aquatic Plants Journals

Hydrophytes are aquatic plants that are especially suited for living in aquatic environments. In order to survive, a hydrophyte, also known as an aquatic macrophyte, must either be completely submerged in water, or in some cases be allowed to float on the surface of the water.Many small aquatic animals use plants such as duckweed for a home, or for protection from predators. Some other familiar examples of aquatic plants might include floating heart, water lily, lotus, and water hyacinth. Java Moss, Amazon Sword,Java Fern, Anubias and Anubias Nana,  Crypt Wendtii, Cryptocorynes, Pygmy Chain Sword, Water Wisteria.

Last Updated on: Jan 19, 2025

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture