Reproductive disorders are diseases involving the reproductive system, including reproductive tract infections, congenital abnormalities, cancers of the reproductive system and sexual dysfunction.Many parts of the male and female reproductive systems can be affected by cancer. In females, cancer can attack the uterus, ovaries, breast and cervix, among other organs.The major function of the reproductive system is to ensure survival of the species. Other systems in the body, such as the endocrine and urinary systems, work continuously to maintain homeostasis for survival of the individual. An individual may live a long, healthy, and happy life without producing offspring, but if the species is to continue, at least some individuals must produce offspring. Exposure to environmental pollutants can lead to diseases, disorders, and conditions that affect the function of male and female reproductive systems. These problems can occur at any stage in life and include birth defects of the reproductive system, pregnancy complications, early puberty, developmental disorders, low birth weight, preterm birth, reduced fertility, impotence, and menstrual disorders.