Protein Sequencing Articles Impact Factor

Protein Sequencing Articles Impact Factor

We report the cDNA sequence and genomic structure of gly96, an immediate early gene inducible by serum growth factors in mouse fibroblasts. It encodes a 153-amino acid protein that does not share significant sequence similarity with any known protein. In the adult mouse, gly96 is expressed predominantly in the lung, testes and the uterus. We have identified the Gly96 protein in Balb/c 3T3 cells using affinity-purified antibodies recognizing the Gly96 polypeptide. We show that Gly96 is glycosylated and has a short half-life in serum stimulated fibroblasts. We also introduce recent revolutionary scaffolding technologies including BioNano, Hi-C, and 10× Genomics. We expect that the informative guidance for genome sequencing and assembly by long reads will benefit the initiation of scientists’ projects. It is expected that applying these new technologies will lead to discovery of a host of novel oncogenes and tumor suppressors, which will have a significant impact in our understanding of tumorigenesis and in the clinical management of cancer patients.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Genetics & Molecular Biology