Process Technology Top Open Access Journals

Process Technology Top Open Access Journals

Process technology is the heart of all industries that involve the production of consumer goods from raw material: from soft drink bottlers to petroleum refineries to the production of electricity. Process technology is essential in the production of gasoline, airplane fuel, gas, plastic soft drink bottles, glass jars and bottles, pharmaceuticals, and even Jelly Bellies. In Hawaii, Tesoro and Chevron process oil to produce gasoline; and HECO and AES Hawaii, process oil and coal respectively, to produce electricity. Process Technicians are key members of a team responsible for planning, analysing, and controlling the production of products from raw materials through distribution. They control, monitor and troubleshoot equipment that process raw material into products such as gasoline, electricity and plastics. They analyse, evaluate and communicate about data. Process technology work in an industrial, team-based environment. PT do shift work to staff 24/7, 365 days/year operations. The work requires a high level of commitment in a “high stakes industry.”

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

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