he most common type of infection. It begins superficially and if left untreated will penetrate deep into the skin. Infection can range from local soft tissue infection and cellulitis to osteomyelitis, bacterial endocarditis and septic arthritis, in severe cases this may progress to septicaemia. In many cases minor infection can be remedied with increased pin site care and antibiotic therapy, whereas major infection requires prolonged treatment with systemic antibiotics and often the removal of pins. Recognising infection of the pin site or surrounding tissues is essential to enable effective early management of infection. Classification of PSI varies within the literature, with some studies using clinical judgement of infection and others preferring to use microbiological diagnosis of infection. Many pin site grading tools are complex and time consuming for clinicians to use with varying inter-rater reliability when classifying or grading the extent of erythema, tenderness and swelling of an infected pin site. Journal Article is sometimes called a Scientific Article, a Peer-Reviewed Article, or a Scholarly Research Article.