Phylogeography pulls together standards and methods across disciplines to answer questions as numerous as species’ responses to past glaciation, what drives the formation of species stages, whether cutting-edge ecological groups mirror contemporary or ancient assembly procedures, and exceptional modes of divergence and speciation.Phylogeography presents a hypothetical framework with which to test the processes underlying diversification, imparting priceless insights into how biodiversity is generated and maintained. As such, the questions currently addressed by using phylogeography cover the overall spectrum of ecology and evolution. A amazing frame of facts throughout an expansion of taxa and structures, from enormously effortlessly sampled regions inclusive of North the united states (Soltis et al., 2006) to the farthest reaches of the globe, consisting of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islands (Fraser et al., 2012), advise a myriad of responses to past weather change and different geological activities.