Pesticide Drift Top Journals

Pesticide Drift Top Journals

Pesticides these may include sensitive crops, organic fields, bee hives, bodies of water, areas of shallow groundwater, schools, hospitals and nursing homes. Read the pesticide label to determine if the product has any specific warnings or environmental hazards. Write down your plans to avoid pesticide drift into sensitive areas, and follow your plan during application. Keep a copy of the plan with application records. Insecticide spray drift can damage beneficial insect populations especially bees and natural predators of Montana agricultural pests. Drift is also costly from a financial standpoint. If only 50 percent of an applied solution makes it to the target, then you have wasted 50 percent of what you have applied. In all the above cases, the pesticide becomes an environmental pollutant, injuring susceptible plants, contaminating water, wildlife and even humans. Sadly, the majority of pesticide spray drift problems involve mistakes that could have been avoided by the applicator.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

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