Pesticide Drift Open Access Journals

Pesticide Drift Open Access Journals

Pesticide drift can pose health risks to people and pets when sprays and dusts drift to nearby areas such as homes, schools, and playgrounds. Wildlife and plants are also at risk when drift affects natural areas and water sources. Herbicide drift can damage other nearby crops or make them unsellable if the active ingredient is not registered for a particular crop. Pesticide drift also results in wasted pesticide product. EPA estimates up to 70 million pounds of pesticides are lost to drift each year.Pesticide drift occurs whenever pesticide leaves the intended target site through the air during or soon after application. Pesticide drift may cause injury to farm workers and other people, particularly children, adjacent crops or other non-target plants, livestock, sensitive environments, fish and wildlife. Even if visible injury does not occur, illegal residues may be present in adjacent areas. Pesticide drift may also result in regulatory fines, legal liability, and litigation

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

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