Open Access Articles On Systems Biology

Open Access Articles On Systems Biology

Not all biology is systems biology, nor will it ever be so, and not everybody should do it. Large parts of molecular and cell biology are busily expanding our horizon by studying the natural history of cellular components in isolation (or as parts of well-defined sub-structures and locally linear pathways). This is not only providing essential building blocks for future systems biology, but also continues to be a worthwhile activity in its own right. Not every system is at this point amenable to quantitative modeling, and diverting resources towards “integrative” approaches would be wasteful while the components of the system and their general interactions are uncharacterized. Finally, not every form of mathematical biology is systems biology, and in particular the study of ecological systems would not be included in the strict definition, even though it has used quantitative modeling and integrated approaches much earlier than the molecular and cell biological domains.

Last Updated on: Mar 11, 2025

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