

The process of forming a kidney stone, a stone in the kidney (or lower down in the urinary tract). Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Kidney stones occur in 1 in 10 people at some time in their life.

Nephrolithiasis is the medical term for kidney stones. ... Diagnosis of kidney stones is best accomplished using an ultrasound, intravenous pyleography (IVP), or a CT scan. Most kidney stones will pass through the ureter to the bladder on their own with time.

Nephrolithiasis" is derived from the Greek nephros- (kidney) lithos (stone) = kidney stone. The stones themselves are also called renal caluli. The word "calculus" (plural: calculi) is the Latin word for pebble

Last Updated on: Feb 22, 2025

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences