

Nanocomputing is a term used for the representation and manipulation of data by computers smaller than a microcomputer. Current devices are already utilizing transistors with channels below 100 nanometers in length. The current goal is to produce computers smaller than 10 nanometers.Electronic nanocomputers would operate in a manner similar to the way present-day microcomputers work. The main difference is one of physical scale. More and more transistor s are squeezed into silicon chips with each passing year; witness the evolution of integrated circuits ( IC s) capable of ever-increasing storage capacity and processing power. The ultimate limit to the number of transistors per unit volume is imposed by the atomic structure of matter. Most engineers agree that technology has not yet come close to pushing this limit.Chemical and biochemical nanocomputers would store and process information in terms of chemical structures and interactions. Biochemical nanocomputers already exist in nature; they are manifest in all living things.

Last Updated on: Feb 21, 2025

Global Scientific Words in Nursing & Health Care