It is related to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium which causes tuberculosis in humans. M. Bovis can jump the species barrier and cause tuberculosis-like infection in humans and other mammals. Mycobacterium Bovis is a facultative intracellular parasite. For in vitro growth, special culture media are required, for example, Dorset's egg medium incorporates egg yolk, phosphate buffer, magnesium salts, and sodium pyruvate; amino acids may be added but glycerol is not included as it is inhibitory. It is inhibited by glycerin. Culture generally requires several weeks at 37 °C to reach colonies visible to the unaided human eye. Strictly aerobic. Grows at 37 °C, does not grow at 25 °C. Optimum growth at 37-38 °C. It does not reduce nitrate, does not reduce niacin. Resistant to pyrazinamide. Sensitive to thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide.