Mycobacterium Bovis Epidemiology

Mycobacterium Bovis Epidemiology

It is an endemic disease in about one hundred countries, affecting the economy causing a decrease in productivity, condemnation of meat, and damaging the credibility of international trade. Additionally, Mycobacterium Bovis the major causative agent for BTB can also infect humans causing a variety of clinical presentations. The aim of this study was to determine BTB prevalence and the main risk factors for the Mycobacterium Bovis prevalence in cattle and buffalos. Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) remains one of the world's major health problems in livestock. BTB affects the national economy of countries where the disease is endemic by causing a decrease in productivity, condemnation of meat in slaughterhouses, and decreasing the ability for international trade. During 2015 to 2016, 179 countries reported the presence of the disease in livestock and/or wildlife, demonstrating its wide geographical distribution

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Nursing & Health Care