Drug-resistant and multidrug-resistant (MDR-TB); resistant to at least isoniazid [INH] and rifampin [RMP]) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are man-made problems mainly related to poor case management and lack of quality drugs. The prevalence of MDR and/or RMP resistance among newly suspected and previously treated cases was 16.9% and 18.3% respectively which is higher than Ethiopian drug resistance survey 2005 (DRS-2005) that reported 1.6 and 12% among new and retreatment TB cases respectively. This might be difference in time that, now due to natural selection, resistance strains are increasing than before and also due to difference in study population that DRS 2005 of Ethiopia were done among smear positive TB patients unlike our study which was done among MDR-TB suspected patients making our study prevalence higher. Multidrug-resistant -TB was found to be significantly associated with HIV seropositive patients having 32% rate when compared to HIV seronegative rate of 2.2%. (Daniel MekonnenNigus, WondemagegnMuluLingerew, BayehAberaBeyene, AschalewAdmassuTamiru, Martha Tibebu Lemma and MulatYimerMelaku, Prevalence of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis among Presumptive Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Cases in Amhara National Regional State