

Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that deals with the study, design, development, construction, and testing of mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines. Mechanical engineering careers center on creating technologies to meet a wide range of human needs. This relatively simple device works by heating a reservoir of water within the device to generate steam. The steam is then conducted through one of the copper supports to a pivoted brass sphere. Once the steam reaches the sphere, it escapes through one of two nozzles at the ends of two, small, opposingly pointing arms. The escaping steam generates thrust and causes the sphere to rotate. The basic principle is simple, but the device’s real genius is that only one of the supporting arms pass steam to the sphere (via a sleeve bearing). This pushes the sphere against the other, ‘solid’, supporting arm, which also has a thrust bearing. The solid arm includes a conical point that bears against a matching indentation on the surface of the sphere. This combination holds the sphere in place whilst it rotates. We may be tired of hearing about the climate crisis, but here’s the thing: It’s still the most important challenge we face today. The good news is, lots of companies are taking novel tacks to make smarter use of the planet’s finite resources. Modernized sails might soon give the shipping industry a boost in fuel economy, and mechanical trees will shortly be scrubbing carbon dioxide from the air. Consumers can even pitch in by hopping on the fake-meat train or buying jeans dyed with greener indigo.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Engineering