Liquid Microbial Consortium Top Journals

Liquid Microbial Consortium Top Journals

The green revolution brought amazing consequences in food grain production but with insufficient concern for agricultural sustainability. The availability and affordability of fossil fuel based chemical fertilizers at farm level in India have been ensured only through imports and subsidies which are largely dependent on GDP of the country. Dependence on chemicals for future agricultural needs would result in further loss in soil health, possibilities of water contamination and calculated burden on the fiscal system. Indiscriminate synthetic fertilizer usage has polluted the soil, water basins, destroyed micro-organisms and eco-friendly insects, made the crop more susceptible to diseases and depleted soil fertility at the primary levels as of today, which is the main concern of the write up. In this critical context Microorganisms have been emerged as the potential alternative for the productivity, reliability and sustainability of the global food chain.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Food & Nutrition