Industrial Management-Scholarly Journal

Industrial Management-Scholarly Journal

Industrial management is a field of Commerce & business administration studies the structure and organization of industrial companies. It comprises those fields of business administration that are necessary for the success of companies within the manufacturing sector and the encompassing services. The precursor of the study field industrial management was factory management. It had a strong similarity with technical management and was geared towards the engineering fields.

It is estimated that there more than 150 Scholarly  Access journal on Industrial Engineering and related discplines. Industrial Engineering & Management hosted by Hilaris publisher is one of the top rated Scholarly-Journal welcomes the researcher to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of Research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field and making them freely available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. This Industrial Engineering & Management includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts for the quality of publishing. The journal is using Editorial Tracking System for quality in review process. Editorial Tracking is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Industrial Engineering & Management journal. Engineering or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Business & Management