Immunoglobulin Journals

Immunoglobulin Journals

More than 100 years of investigation into the structure and function of immunoglobulin has only served to emphasize the complex nature of this protein. Typically, receptors bind to a limited and defined set of ligands. However, while individual immunoglobulin also bind a limited and defined set of ligands, immunoglobulins as a population can bind to a virtually unlimited array of antigens sharing little or no similarity. This property of adjustable binding depends on a complex array of mechanisms that alter the DNA of individual B cells. Immunoglobulins also serve two purposes: that of cell-surface receptors for antigen which permit cell signaling and cell activation and that of soluble effector molecules which can individually bind and neutralize antigens at a distance. The molecular mechanisms that permit these many and varied functions are the focus of this chapte


Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Immunology & Microbiology