Hybridization Innovations

Hybridization Innovations


Hybridization happens when atomic orbitals mix to form new atomic orbitals. The new orbitals have the same total electron capacity as the old ones. The properties and energies of the new, hybridized orbitals are an 'average' of the original unhybridized orbitalsHybrid organisations recently introduced a new way in doing enterprise. Hybrids are entrepreneurial entities whose main goal is pursuing systemic social improvements (social innovation) though their business. In other terms, they are agents of the so called “systemic innovation”, that is “an interconnected set of innovations, where each one influences the others, with innovation both in the single parts of the system and in the ways in which they are interconnected” whose “benefits can be realized only in conjunction with related, complementary innovations” and “that require significant adjustments in other parts of the business system they are embedded in”. Particularly, in Italy a strong attempt in dealing with social needs to develop well-being and community growth levels is introducing new forms of social entrepreneurship that could be identify within hybridization processes originated by Italian social co-ops (both individually and within networks/consortia).

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry