Food Industry Innovations

Food Industry Innovations

As your body is still growing, it’s vital that you eat enough good quality food and the right kinds to meet your energy and nutrition needs.

Being a teenager can be fun, but it can also be difficult as your body shape changes. These physical changes can be hard to deal with if they aren’t what you are expecting. There can be pressure from friends to be or look a certain way, and this might affect the foods you eat. It’s not a good time to crash diet, as you won’t get enough nutrients, and you may not reach your full potential. Following a sensible, well-balanced diet is a much better option, both for now and in the long term.Innovation in the food industry combines technological innovation with social and cultural innovation. It occurs throughout the entire food system, including production, harvesting, primary and secondary processing, manufacturing and distribution. The ultimate innovation is a new or improved consumer product and service. Innovations can be focused in one area of food technology, for example process engineering, product formulation, food qualities or consumer needs; but ripples spread causing changes in other parts of the food system, in consumer eating patterns and in general social and cultural areas. Food industry innovation strategies need to be based on the total technology in the food system and concerned not only with the technological changes but also with the social and environmental changes, so as to produce food that satisfies the nutritional, personal and social needs and wants of all communities.

Science and technology are used to develop new ways of producing, processing or packaging food, to make it safer, healthier, more nutritious or tastier.

Innovation in food also has an important role to play in tackling societal major challenges such as how we can ensure a sustainable yet plentiful food supply to feed a growing global population. 

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Food & Nutrition